Parent Compact Pamphlet

What is a School-Parent Compact?

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together.. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade level standards.

Effective Compacts:

-Link to goals of the school improvement plan

-Focus on student learning skills

-Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high quality instruction

-Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress

-Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe and participate in the classroom

-Share strategies parents can use at home

Jointly Developed

The parents, students, and staff of Northside Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added ideas to make them more specific and student told us what would help them learn. Meetings are held each year to review the Compact and make changes based on student needs.

  If you would like to volunteer or help with school activities please contact: Gayle Redmon at 615-597-1575.

Building Partnerships

Please join us by attending and helping support our annual Fun Run.

Parent Teacher Organization


Family Reading, Math Nights and Bingo for Books

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent University Classes

Please check monthly newsletters and notes home for detailed information and dates.



Communication about Student Learning

Northside Elementary School Is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children's learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:

Daily Agenda

Updates on the school web site and current grades in Skyward

Monthly      calendar      and


Parent-teacher   conferences

Phone Calls from School Messenger

Northside Elementary

School-Parent Compact for Achievement



Focused on StudentSuccess

Dr. Gayle Redmon, Principal  597-1575

Our Goals for Student



District Goals
  Teachers, Parents, Students -Together for Success       



In Our Classroom                                                      At Home


••      Increase the percentage of

students proficient and advanced by 3.3%  in English/Language Arts and 3.5% in Math.

Reduce the achievement gap for all subgroups by 2% annually and increase the gains of all students in the subgroups
Meet or exceed the graduation goal of 95.7%

School Goals

90% of Northside Elementary's students will read at or above grade level by 3rd grade
ELA 3-8: to increase number of students scoring proficient or advanced by 3.6% (3rd - 4.1%)
Math 3-8: to increase number of students scoring proficient or advanced by 3% (3rd - 3.1%)

The teachers will work with students and their families to support students' success in reading and math. Some of our key connections with families w ill be:

Using the daily agenda to check for

parent/teacher communication

Helping each student grow to

his or her fullest potential

Provide a caring learning environment where your child can be held responsible for learning

Provide an enriched and challenging curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards


Northside Elementary School parents will support students' success in reading and math by:

-Using the daily agenda to check for practice assignments and teacher/parent communication

-Reading with my child every day and talk about how the story connects with things that he or she has experienced.

-Attending the Family Reading

and Math nights at school

-Using math games or strategies to

improve my child's math skills  

-See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly


Northside Elementary Students

Northside Elementary students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach for the stars in math and reading. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school:

-Read at home for 20 minutes every day --Complete and return assignments on time

-Come to school each day on time and ready to learn

My own personal learning goal is: