
Welcome to Northside Elementary School!

The staff of Northside Elementary School welcomes you! We look forward to another exciting and challenging school year. Everything that is offered to you is meant to assist and lead you in reaching the goals that have been set. We are here to help you reach these goals in any way we can. As elementary students, we encourage you to be active learners and active participants in all that we do. We want the years you spend with us to be the best they can be. The following information in this handbook explains what you will need to know to make these years a success. Take time to go over this information with your parents. The opportunity to work with you as a team, as you prepare for your future, is an opportunity that is important to all of us.


School Hours: 7:45 AM – 2:45 PM

7:10 a.m. – Car riders and bus riders may enter the school and wait in the gym.

7:20 a.m. – Students will exit the gym, get breakfast and go to class.

7:45 a.m. – Class begins.

2:45 p.m. – Dismissal begins.

*Students brought to school after 7:45 a.m. must be signed in by an adult.

Arrival Procedures:

      Students may be dropped off at 7:10 a.m. at the front of the building.

      All car riders should be dropped off by 7:45 a.m. to avoid being tardy.

      Breakfast for all students Grades 2-5 will be available from 7:20 to 7:45 a.m.

Dismissal Procedures:

Car Riders:

      The drop off / pick-up line is located on the right (south) side of the building.

Do not cut in front of other cars in line. NO car riders may load/unload on the bus side.

      Car riders must be picked up through the pick-up line unless there is a doctor’s appointment or emergency.

      Car rider tags will be distributed at the beginning of the school year.

      Once in the pick-up line, place your car rider tag on the rearview mirror.  If you do not have your car rider tag, a license will be required for identification.

      No parent or visitor parking on the bus loading side of the parking lot.

Bus Riders:

      Buses load and unload on the left (north) side of the building.

      A written notice, including street address, is required for all afternoon bus transportation changes.

Early Check-out:

      Send a note to the teacher the morning of the request for early check-out.

      Please include:  student’s name, teacher’s name, time and reason for early check-out.

      Students MAY NOT be picked up by anyone other than parents/guardians, unless the school has been given written permission from parents/guardians.

      Photo ID is required for early checkout.

      DO NOT use the office area as a regular way of picking up your child.

      We cannot honor early check-outs after 2:20 p.m. Check-outs after this time cause confusion and disruption, which results in an unsafe environment.


      To ensure the safety of all, designated parking for visitors is located on the right (south) side of the school building.






Attendance / Absences:

Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for success in school.  Parents are encouraged to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours. The conditions under which a child’s absence from school shall be excused:

1.     Student’s personal illness - a doctor’s note may be required.

2.     Death in the family.

3.     Recognized religious holidays regularly observed by person’s of the child’s Faith.

4.     Extenuating Circumstances-Parent/Guardian must give a written request.  An excuse is granted at the discretion of the Principal and/or Attendance Supervisor.

5.     Excessive absences require a physician’s statement.

6.     All absences are considered unexcused until a written or doctor’s note is sent to school (phone calls not accepted).

7.     Student’s excuse must be returned to the school within a period of three (3) days after student’s return to school.

8.     Only five (5) written parent notes accepted for entirety of the current school year.

T.C.A. 49-6-3009 has been amended and must include a progressive truancy intervention plan passed by the local Board of Education.  This action had not been completed prior to this handbook going to press.  We recommend that all students and parents visit www.dekalbschools.net and review DeKalb County Board of Education policy 6.200. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school or the DeKalb Co. School Attendance Dept.


      Students are tardy if they are not in the classroom by 7:45 a.m. or are checked out before 2:45 p.m.

      Parent or medical documentation is required when a student is tardy or leaves school early.

      Four (4) unexcused tardies equals one (1) unexcused absence.

      Students who are excessively tardy will be referred to the Truancy Board.

      Students leaving early or arriving late should be signed in/out by a parent/guardian at the office.


In an effort to cut down on unexcused absences, the DeKalb County Board of Education has established a TRUANCY BOARD.  CONDITIONS under which students may be referred to the Truancy Board:

      After five (5) unexcused absences.

      After twelve (12) unexcused tardies or early check-outs. (Please note: four (4) unexcused tardies equals one (1) unexcused absence.)

      If the parents or guardians of a student referred to the Truancy Board fail to appear, the student’s name will be turned over to Juvenile Court.


In order to withdraw from Northside Elementary School in good standing, it will be necessary to complete the following:

      Report to the school office in person to pick-up withdrawal form       OR

      Bring a written statement from parent or guardian stating the reason and date of withdrawal.

      Report to the librarian in order that your library record may be cleared during the day.

      Textbooks/Chromebooks are to be returned to your teachers.

      Be sure teachers initial the forms provided.

      Return forms to the school secretary.


School-Wide Positive Behavior Support:

We, as NES Students, will be Safe, On time, Accountable and Respectful.  We will SOAR!

Our Positive Behavior Support plan is designed to facilitate respect, cooperation, safety and academic excellence.  Please refer to our PBS expectations matrix for specific behavioral guidelines.


One of the most important lessons education should teach is self-discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good and proper consideration for other people. Therefore, our school requires socially acceptable behavior at all times-disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. We do strive to involve parents in school discipline and have found that a cooperative effort between parents and the school results in a positive learning atmosphere. In order to insure that students behave in an appropriate manner and to insure that all students and teachers can learn and teach in a safe school environment, The DeKalb County Board of Education has established a Code of Behavior and Discipline. Teachers, administrators or any school personnel are authorized to take just and reasonable measures to establish effective school discipline. The authority to control student behavior shall extend to buses and all activities of the school. Each school principal shall be responsible for implementation and administration in his/her school. He/she shall apply the Code of Behavior and Discipline uniformly and fairly to each student at the school without partiality or discrimination.

Zero Tolerance Policy:

In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment free of drugs, violence and dangerous weapons, any student who engages in the following behaviors will be subject to suspension for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. Expelled means removed from the pupil’s regular school or removed from school attendance altogether.  Nothing in this code shall be construed to prohibit the assignment of expelled students to the alternative school.

Zero- tolerance acts are as follows:

1.     Students who bring or unlawfully possess a narcotic, stimulant, prescription drug or any other controlled substance (including 2nd offense alcohol) or a dangerous weapon on a school bus, on school property or to any school event or activity.

2.     Any student who while on a school bus, on school property or while attending any school event or activity:

(a)   unlawfully possesses a narcotic, stimulant, prescription drug or any other controlled substance (including 2nd offense alcohol), or dangerous weapon; or

(b)   commits battery on a teacher, or any other employee of the system.

Weapons On School Property: (TCA 39-6-1701)

State law prohibits any type of weapons on school grounds or property.  The maximum penalty for violation of this law is up to six (6) years imprisonment and a $3,000.00 fine. Law enforcement officers will be notified when this law is violated.

The penalty for the possession of a gun shall by a one-year suspension from school.


Fighting, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or hazing another student will result in disciplinary action ranging from verbal reprimand to suspension and /or expulsion from school depending on the severity of the offense and the offender’s prior record.  Any student who assaults or threatens to assault a student, teacher or other school employee will be subject to suspension for not less than one (1) calendar year.


No student, regardless of age shall possess or use tobacco in any form on school premises or at any school-sponsored activities.  **Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1505(b) concerning tobacco requires law enforcement official or the principal to issue a juvenile court citation for students who unlawfully possess tobacco products. This means that any student having possession of tobacco products at school will be required to go to juvenile court. Fines for this offense is not less than $10 or more than $50. The Juvenile Court may in its discretion also impose community service work not to exceed fifty (50) hours for a second or subsequent violation within a one (1) year period.

Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse: (TCA 53-10-101)

Students will not possess, distribute or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages in school buildings or on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. Students will not market or distribute any substance, which is represented to be or is substantially similar in color, shape, size or markings to a controlled substance in school building or on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. Upon information that a student is suspected of violating this policy, the principal of the school shall be notified immediately. If it is determined that board policy has indeed been violated, the principal shall notify the student’s parents or guardian and the appropriate law enforcement officials where applicable. The following punishment will be implemented:

First Offense for Alcohol, Drug Paraphernalia and Counterfeit Controlled Substances:

The school principal may suspend the student from school for a period of up to ninety (90) days regardless of the school year in which the offense occurs.  The student shall be required to enroll and complete an approved Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation or Education Program designated by the school system for the duration of said program. A report from the director of said program attesting the satisfactory participation of the student shall be presented before readmission to school.  The student shall be on probation for the remainder of the school year in which the offense occurred, or, in the event the punishment extends into another school year, the student shall also be on probation for the first semester of the new school year and shall be encouraged to attend weekly Alcohol Anonymous/Narcotic Anonymous meetings.

Second Offense for Alcohol, Drug Paraphernalia and Counterfeit Controlled Substances:

The principal may suspend or recommend expulsion of the student for up to one (1) calendar year.

First Offense for Drugs: Any student violating this policy with reference to drugs, including marijuana, shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The Director of Schools shall have the authority to modify this suspension requirement on a case-by-case basis.

Search & Seizures:

Search of lockers, persons, containers, and vehicles, T.C.A. 49-9-404, 405, 406, 407, . . . . .  When individual circumstances in a school dictate it, a principal may order that the above be searched in his/her presence or in the presence of other members of his/her staff.

Sexual Harassment:

It is the policy of the DeKalb County Board of Education to maintain a learning environment that is free from sexual harassment. It is a violation of this policy for students to harass other students through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. Students who commit acts of sexual harassment will be subject to strict disciplinary action and possible prosecution.

Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to the following:

      Verbal harassment or abuse.

      Repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications.

      Unwelcome touching.

Bullying Policy:

Children must feel safe in order to reach their highest potential in school. Northside Elementary is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe learning environment for all students through such programs as our SWPBS Program.  In addition, our weekly guidance program includes lesson plans rooted in the Michigan Model Framework.

It is the policy of DeKalb County Schools that all bullying behaviors are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any bullying behavior shall be subject to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion.

DeKalb County Schools defines bullying as an act that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance; is or has the potential to be repeated over time; and has the effect of:

      Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property;

      Knowingly placing a student or students in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property;

      Causing emotional distress to a student or students; or

      Creating a hostile educational environment

It is important to remember that there are many types of aggressive behavior that do not fit the definition of bullying. Examples may include teasing, not liking someone, saying something mean to or about someone, and other isolated incidents of aggression toward another.

All victims of and witnesses to bullying shall report such incidents immediately to a teacher, counselor, or building administrator without fear of reprisal. Teachers are required to make an office discipline referral using the NES discipline referral form.

A Northside Elementary Administrator/Designee shall be responsible for investigating and resolving complaints. Factors such as the nature of the incident, age of the violator, degree of harm, previous incidences, and other considerations shall be weighed when determining appropriate consequences. All findings and disciplinary actions shall be reported to the DeKalb County Director of Schools and Board of Education Chair.

Dress and Appearance:

Everyone at Northside Elementary School is expected to dress with good taste.  All attire must meet normal standards and pose no threat to safety, health, or call attention in any way, which disrupts the academic process.

The Dress Code should be followed on campus, buses, and for any school activities including field trips. School administrators and teachers will have the final word in the event of a controversy over a particular student’s attire.

1.  Body cleanliness is required at all times.

2.  HEADWEAR- Hats, headbands, bandanas, and sunglasses are not to be worn at school except on occasions designated by the principal. Accommodations will be made for documented religious or medical reasons.


∙No strapless tops, no tank tops, sport tank tops or spaghetti straps tops are allowed. The back, shoulders, and mid-section must be covered at all times.

∙Shirts or blouses must be long enough when arms are lifted above the head that the mid-section of the body is not revealed.

∙Clothes that are too tight or revealing are not permitted.

∙Shirts that make reference to drugs, death, alcohol, violence, sexual themes, profanity, tobacco, Gothic, gangs, racist overtures, ethnic groups, musical groups, wrestling, or suggestive or offensive saying will not be allowed.


∙Chains (including wallet chains), and other jewelry that could be distracting/disruptive, or unsafe will not be permitted.

∙No body piercing (other than the ears) is allowed.


∙Pants and slacks must be size appropriate and with inseam length hemmed or with cuff at top of the shoe.

∙NO sagging, bagging, wide-legged, holes, rips, cuts, frayed edges or parts that drag the floor will be allowed.

∙Excessive baggy pants are not to be worn to school. Trousers and shorts must be worn and secured at the waistline.


∙Skirts, shorts, and dresses must be no shorter than 5 inches from the middle of the knee.


∙Footwear shall be worn at all times. ∙Proper gym shoes MUST be worn to PE ∙Skate shoes are not permitted.

∙No shoes that might damage the floor or leave black marks will be allowed. 9. MAKE UP-

∙Extreme make-up and /or body markings are not permitted.

The dress code is addressed to be positive. Any other clothing deemed inappropriate or distracting will be prohibited. *** Special dress days may be designated by the principal.***

                                                     A GOOD RULE TO FOLLOW IS:     WHEN IN DOUBT, DON’T WEAR IT!!!

Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be given the opportunity to call their parents to bring them other clothes and then will be allowed to return to class. The principal will deal with repeated violations of the dress code. Repeat violations of the dress code may result in Alternative Day Placement or Out Of School Suspension.

School Bus Service:

Riding the school bus is a privilege to students. However, the privilege may be removed for disruptive and unsatisfactory conduct. All students being transported are under the authority of the school bus driver and must obey reasonable orders from the driver, including sitting in seats assigned by the driver.

The following are guidelines for correct bus behavior:

      No eating or drinking on the bus.

      Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus.

      Do not throw objects on the bus or out of the bus.

      Do not climb over seats or stand while the bus is in motion.

      Do not distract the driver’s attention with loud noises, horseplay, or unnecessary conversation. ●            Remember that all school rules apply during school transportation.

Minimum penalty for violation:

      First Offense—warning and/or call to the parents.

      Second offense—three days suspension from the bus.

      Third Offense—five days suspension from the bus.

      Fourth Offense—ten days suspension from the bus.

      Fifth Offense—removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year.

You may contact the Transportation Supervisor at 615-596-4273 with specific questions about bus routes, bus times, or other transportation related issues.

General School Policies:

      ALL Northside Elementary School staff members have not only the right, but also the responsibility and duty to reprimand or correct a student whom is misbehaving. Disrespect by students toward a staff member will not be tolerated at Northside Elementary School. Disrespect to any staff member will result in strict disciplinary action.

      Toys, radios, tape players, baseball cards, laser pointers or pens, pogs, CD’s, Yo-Yo’s, Pokemon or other items that could cause disruption should not be brought to school unless authorized by the principal.

      Students should not trade, swap, sell, or take orders for any items while on school property.

      Chewing gum is not allowed at Northside Elementary School. It causes property damage and is disruptive to the educational program. This applies to party days and treat bags.

      No food or beverages are to be taken anywhere other than the designated areas of the building. Soft drinks are not permitted in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch times.


Courtesy should always be shown during assemblies. Entering and leaving the assembly is to be done in a quiet and orderly manner. The appearance of someone on the stage or at the microphone is the automatic sign for silence. Whistling, booing, jeering, or making derogatory remarks are always in poor taste and will not be permitted in assemblies at Northside Elementary School.

Field Trips:

We believe that field trips are an integral part of the school program. We encourage students to participate in field trips when they are offered. In order to participate in any field trip, students must follow all regular school policies.  As representatives of NES, students are expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior on field trips.  Any students with consistent behavior problems may be excluded from field trips or be required to have a parent accompany them. In addition, an activity release form must be signed by the parent and returned to the school prior to any student participating in any field trip activity.

Student Phone Calls:

Due to the increase in the number of students using cell phone numbers to reach parents, which in many cases is long distance, this will not be permitted unless it is an emergency situation. Please be sure to include a local phone number where you can be reached for non-emergency situations. We will be glad to take a message for your child but we do not call students to the phone. Should a student become sick at school the teacher will have the child see the nurse before calling home. Students may possess personal

communication devices, such as cell phones, while on school property. However, the personal communication device must be in the off mode and must be kept in a backpack, purse, or similar personal carryall and may not be used during school hours. The principal or his/her designee may grant a student permission to use a personal communication device at his/her discretion. A device used outside of this parameter shall result in confiscation of the device until such time that it may be released to the student’s parent or guardian. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Use of camera on personal devices is strictly prohibited on school property or at school functions. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.


1.             First offense-Parent may pick up phone.

2.             Second offense-Phone will be held for five (5) days.

3.             Third offense-Phone will be held for ten (10) days.

4.             Fourth/Other offense-Phone will be held for thirty (30) days.

Teaching Assistants & Substitute Teachers:

Northside Elementary School is fortunate to have very capable teaching assistants and substitute teachers to help us with our school program. Both the teaching assistants and the substitute teachers are an important part of our school program, and as such, they are entitled to all the respect, courtesy, and cooperation as the regular teacher.  Students who are disrespectful or uncooperative with teaching assistants or substitute teachers will be subject to strict disciplinary action.

Care of School Property:

Students are responsible for the proper care of all books supplied by the school.  T.C.A.  49-609 allows schools to withhold all grade cards, diplomas, certificates of progress, or transcripts until restitution is made for lost or damaged textbooks. Any student found guilty of marking, carving, defacing, or abusing the bus, school building and /or equipment will be subject to disciplinary action, which will include restitution, in addition, a written assignment, paddling, suspension, or request for expulsion may be included.


No person is allowed to enter the school halls without permission from the office unless they are enrolled as students or are teachers or staff of the school.  Any student who is suspended is not allowed on the school property except to come directly to the office on business.

*Students will receive punishment ranging from a verbal reprimand to suspension/expulsion depending on the severity and nature of the misbehavior.


Grading Scale:

A - 100-90         B - 89-80          C - 79-70          D - 69-60          F – 59 or below

Conduct Grades:   E=Excellent     S=Satisfactory       U=Unsatisfactory          I=Incomplete

Report cards are distributed every 9 weeks.  Students also receive a mid-nine weeks report between each Grading period.

Make-Up Work:

Students who have been absent are responsible for all assignments during their absence.  One of the primary objectives of our school is to help students become responsible individuals. We expect each student to consult the teacher concerning work he misses.  After a reasonable amount of time (generally 3 days) students are required to complete all assigned work or receive an “incomplete” instead of a zero. The incomplete stays

until the work is completed to an acceptable level. Once a student has an incomplete he/she is excluded from all inter and extracurricular activities at NES. This includes special school events, assemblies, field trips, recess, etc. We feel it is very important that students complete assigned work, which allows the teacher to assess student’s progress. If a student does not complete the work, then this assessment can’t take place.

General rules and procedures:

1.     Students will receive an incomplete on report cards if all work is not completed at the time report cards are given out. Once the student makes up the work the grade will be averaged and then put on the report card. Due to the work being late, it will not receive 100% credit.

2.     Any student that has an “incomplete” at the end of the school year may be required to attend summer school to complete the work before being promoted to the next grade

Summer School:

Circumstances under which students may be required to attend summer school:

1.     Any 3rd Grade students scoring Below Basic on the TCAP WILL BE REQUIRED to attend summer school. TCA49-6-3115: “If a child is Below Basic on their achievement scores, then in order to be promoted to the 4th grade, some form of intervention must be provided.”

2.     Any student with failing or incomplete grades for the year.

3.     Any student with excessive absences. See the NES Handbook sections on Absences and Tardiness for more detailed information.



FOR THE PROTECTION OF YOUR CHILD, we need to know who is in the building at all times. All visitors are required to report to the office BEFORE going to any other part of the building. Visitors need to pick up a visitors pass and wear it while inside the building. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school, but must make prior arrangements before visiting the classroom. Please do not go directly to your child’s room to pick him/her up. Students must be signed out in the office by a parent or guardian before leaving school.

Students are not allowed to bring guests to school at any time.

Parent Groups:

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is the major parent group at Northside Elementary.  We encourage parental involvement in every aspect of school life. Please attend PTO meetings to gain important information about school activities.

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year. Please make every effort to attend.  If you wish to meet with teachers or administrators at other times during the year, please call the office to set up a meeting.


Emergency School Closing:

Occasionally, due to inclement weather conditions, it becomes necessary for the Director of Schools to

close the schools.  The Connect-Ed messaging will call each home, and you may listen to our local radio station, WJLE 101.7 FM for this information or you may find it on the web at “www.newschannel5.com.” Please fill out the EARLY DISMISSAL PLAN, for you to indicate a plan for your child’s early dismissal. Calling home is not an acceptable early dismissal plan.  It is most important that this form be returned to the teacher the following school day. Any changes in important information concerning students should be reported to the office and classroom teacher, i.e. telephone number, address, etc.

Emergency School Evacuation:

In the event of an emergency in which Northside Elementary School students would have to be evacuated to an alternate location, students would be transported by bus to the following Alternate Locations:

LOCATION # 1:  First Baptist Church, 101 W. Church St., Smithville, TN 597-4275

LOCATION # 2:  New Life Pentecostal Church 860 S. Congress Blvd. Smithville, TN 597-8979

In the event such a crisis has occurred, parents will be notified by radio announcement (WJLE) and/or by phone where to pick-up students.


When it becomes necessary for a child to take prescription or non-prescription medication while at school, the medication along with the completed necessary form (available in the office), must be delivered to the school in person by the parent or guardian of the student.  At the end of the school year, parents are responsible for picking up all medicine not taken by the student.


Health Screenings:

Our school provides school-wide or grade level hearing screenings, vision screenings, height and weight assessments, blood pressure screenings, dental screenings and 1 mile run. Head checks for lice will be done as needed. This is provided as a service to you and your children and you will be notified of the results. If you do not wish for these services to be performed on your child, please contact the school in writing.

Student Fees and Fines:

No fee is required as a condition of attending school, but students will be responsible for normal school supplies. Any student who receives a fine due to lost or damaged books, overdue or lost library books, debts owed to school, etc. is required to pay these types of fines. Students who receive free or reduced lunches are considered wavered from lunch fees as well as other school fees, including field trips, workbook fee, and any other item that is required for participation in school activities.



Lunch Room Policies:

Every child has a lunch account where parents may deposit money by sending a check or money to the cafeteria manager.  Parents are welcome to eat with their children.  Please sign in at the office.  Sharing food is not allowed because of possible food allergies.


There are times throughout the year that we will celebrate the accomplishments, activities, and hard work of students at Northside Elementary through the newspaper, website, local radio and other media outlets.  If you DO NOT want your child to be publicly recognized, please send a note to Northside Elementary School with your child’s name, grade and homeroom teacher printed clearly on it.

Nondiscrimination Notice:

Northside Elementary School does not discriminate in employment, and student services on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap or age. Grievances should be addressed to Director of Schools’ Office, 110 South Public Square, Smithville, Tennessee, 37166.

This handbook is as complete as possible at the time of printing. Changes made after printing will be added during the school year by the homeroom teacher. We could not possibly list all the rules needed to provide an atmosphere conductive to good learning; therefore, it is our hope that students will also use “common sense” and sound judgment as rule of their conduct.


Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) The following parent notifications are in compliance with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

Parental Notification Of Rights:

All students in second, fourth, and eighth grade will have a vision screening during the first part of the school year. Those students who wear contacts or glasses will not be screened. If you do not wish for your child to participate in the vision screening please notify the school in writing by the beginning of the third week of school.

Report Cards on Statewide Academic Assessment:  You can view our annual report card by visiting https://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/foster-care/index.html. You will be able to find student achievement, accountability and teacher qualifications.

Achievement on State Assessment:  You will receive the individual student interpretive, descriptive and diagnostic reports for the state’s standardized test.  This information includes your child’s achievement on academic assessments aligned with state academic achievement standards.  (ESEA 1111 (b)(2)(B)(x)

National Assessment of Education Progress:  Our district may voluntarily participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).  You will be informed before the assessment is administered.  Your child may be excused from participation for any reason, is not required to finish this assessment or not required to answer any test question.  Please inform the office of your wishes. (ESEA Title VI, Part C, 411 (c)(1).

Schoolwide Programs:  All schools in DeKalb’s district are considered Title I with a school wide program. Our district plan may be found at https://eplan.tn.gov.

21st Century Community Learning Centers: The 21st Century grant must undergo periodic evaluation to assess its progress toward achieving its goal.  The results of evaluations shall be made available to the public upon request, with a public notice of such availability.  (ESEA 4205 (b)(2))

Waiver Request:  If our school district requests the U.S. Secretary of Education to waive any provision or regulation of the ESEA, we will provide notice and information about the waiver to you in a public notice.

Teacher Qualifications and Highly Effective Teachers: Upon parental request regarding whether professionals are highly effective, including qualification of the student’s teachers and paraprofessional, Dekalb County School System will provide appropriate information including state qualifications and licensure. (ESSA 1112 (e)(1)(A))

Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth-Upper Cumberland

Children’s Issues, Unruly and Delinquent Youth

931-520-4445-Phone Number

931-520-0017-Fax Number Kathy. Daniels@state.tn.us-Email  https://www.tn.gov/tccy

Dr. May Alice Ridley

Director of Civil Rights

Tennessee State Department of Education

9th Floor Andrew Johnson Tower

710 James Robertson Parkway

Nashville, TN  37243

Fax (615) 532-2599

Homeless Children:  Students who are experiencing homelessness have the right to receive educational services that provide full and equal opportunities to succeed in school.  Homeless students have the right to immediately enroll in school, even if they do not have proof of residence or any other required school or health records. If any required documentation is missing, it can be obtained after the student is enrolled.  Homeless students have the right to remain in their school of origin, if feasible, and receive transportation services.  Public notices are located near the office. (ESSA

Title IX, Part C 722 (g)(3)(B))

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Joey Reeder, Homeless Liaison for DeKalb County Schools, at 215- 2102.

Student Health Screening Notification:

As required by the Tennessee Department of Education, mandated Student Health screenings will be conducted at your child’s school this year. All information is private and confidential. This data analysis is reported to the Tennessee Department of Education and the Tennessee Department of Health.

We will be screening to determine if your child has a health risk that 1) needs medical attention and/or 2) might affect his/her classroom work.

The screenings that will be conducted are as follows:

Vision-Grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 9

Hearing- Grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 9

Blood Pressure- Grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 9

Height and Weight- Grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 9

1 mile run- Grades- K, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 9

Scoliosis- Grade 6 only

If there is a need for further evaluation by a physician a referral will be sent home or a phone call made. These screenings do not qualify as an examination and parents/guardians are encouraged to make sure your child has annual medical checkups as well as bi-annual dental checkups.

If you have any questions regarding this free service, or if you wish for your child to be excluded from any part of the Health screenings, please contact the School Nurse at your child’s school:

Smithville Elementary- 597-4415

Northside Elementary- 597-1575

DeKalb West School- 536-5332

DeKalb Middle School- 597-7987

DeKalb County High School- 597-4094

Student Privacy:  Our school system will send dates home to parents so they are informed of:

~activities involving the collection, disclosure or use of personal student information for the purpose of marketing or selling that information.

~administration of surveys

~non-emergency, physical examination, scheduled in advance (with parents approval)

Parents may inspect:

~third-party surveys or any instrument used to collect information before they are administered to students ~any instructional materials

~physical examination or screening of students

~the collection, disclosure or use of personal information from students for the purpose of marketing or selling that information.

~you will receive a school-parent compact that outlines the responsibilities of your child and the school. (ESEA Title I, Part A, 1116 (c).

These rights transfer from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law. DeKalb County schools perform school-wide or grade-level hearing screening, vision screening, and head checks for lice. This is provided as a service to you and your children. If you do not wish for this service to be performed on your child, please notify the school by August 31.

DeKalb County Schools

Notification of Rights for Elementary and Secondary Schools:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:

receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

2.             The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the School principal (or appropriate official), clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3.             The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent the FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board, a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist);or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

(Note: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent or eligible student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.)

4.             The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U. S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-4605

Annual Notice to Parents:

In compliance with state and federal law, the (name of LEA) school district will provide to each protected student with a disability without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In order to qualify as a protected student with a disability, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program. These services and protections for “protected students who are disabled” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs. For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected disabled students, contact (person, address and position).

Safe Schools:

The student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) are provided an opportunity to transfer to another school within the local agency that is safe for the student.  To the extent possible, the LEA shall allow the transferring student to transfer to a school that is making adequate yearly progress. Again, we are pleased to announce that all schools in DeKalb County meet all requirements for a Safe School.  If you would like to receive additional information or have questions, please call Danielle Collins at 597-4084.

Public Release of Student Directory Information: Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), schools may disclose, without consent, “directory information”, such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, and honors or awards.  You may, at any time, request in writing to the school that your child’s information not be disclosed.

(ESEA 8025)

The DeKalb County School System is committed to providing the best education possible for each student. We realize that parents play a vital role in the accomplishment of this mission so we encourage their involvement and strive to keep them informed of their rights:


·   DeKalb County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or handicap in the provision of educational opportunities, activities, or other administered programs.

. Parent and Family Engagement: DeKalb County School System has developed, jointly with parents from all schools, a district wide parent involvement plan.  Each individual school has a written parent and family engagement plan that is located on the district and school website.

Our school:

~holds one annual meeting for Title I parents (beginning of each school year)

~hold numerous meetings throughout the year

~If you would like to share your comments or concerns about the school’s improvement plan or family engagement plan, please visit our district site at www.dekalbschools.net, Federal Programs (Left hand side), forms, you will find a

download under Parent Input.


·   Parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of classroom teachers who instruct their children.  If students are provided services by paraprofessionals, parents may also request information regarding the qualifications of paraprofessionals.         Teacher certifications can be found by accessing the Tennessee Department of Education Teacher Licensing Web site (https://www.tn.gov/education/licensing.html ) or by contacting the school principal or the school system’s Federal Programs Director.


·   Parents must receive notification if their child has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.


·   English Learner Programs:  Our school will inform you no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year if your child was identified for participation in the ESL program.


·   Parents will be notified of their child’s eligibility for service in migrant, homeless, or Limited English Proficiency programs.


·   Parents must be informed of and involved in violence and drug prevention efforts including program content and activities. Parents may request in writing their child’s exemption from participation in such activities.


·   Parents will be notified regarding their rights before any third-party surveys are distributed to students.


·   Schools in which at least 40% of the children are from low-income families have school-wide program authority under which schools may consolidate funds from federal, state, and local sources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school.


·   Military Recruiter Access to Student Information: You may, at any time, request in writing to the school that your child’s name, address, and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter without your prior written consent. (ESEA 8528 (a)(2)(B)


·   Federal law affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to educational records.

School Board Policy relating to student privacy and parental access to information is available in the School Board

Policy Manual located at each school and at the central office. Notification of Rights and Release of Directory Information under FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) will also be conducted through local media announcements.